PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer MSDT Malaysia - scuba diving instructor career course in Malaysia.
If you want to train you diver students to the highest purely
recreational dive level in the PADI system of diver education, you
will want to be a PADI master scuba diver trainer. By attaining this
level, your dive students will know where to come when they want to
learn from an expert.
After the completion of the
IDC you have an opportunity to achieve
the rating (MSDT), master scuba diver trainer through an internship
program. The pre-requisites for the master scuba diver trainer (MSDT)
rating are five specialties and certification of 25 students within
any level of the PADI system of diver education. During Chong's
Internship Training you are not only taking a MSDT preparation
Course you actually certify 25 students and finish off as a master
scuba diver trainer.
This 4-5 day program, you can choose to become instructor in five of
those specialties similar to the Specialty Instructor Course.
- Enriched air specialty instructor

- PADI Oxygen provider instructor
- PADI Deep diver specialty instructor
- PADI Night diver specialty instructor
- PADI Wreck diver specialty instructor
- PADI Drift diver specialty instructor
- PADI Multi level specialty instructor
- PADI Fish identification specialty instructor
- PADI Underwater naturalist specialty instructor
- PADI Underwater navigator specialty instructor
- DSAT Gas blender specialty instructor
- Digital U/W photography specialty instructor
- PADI Diver propulsion vehicle specialty instructor
- PADI Search and recovery specialty instructor
Note that
You will still need to have issued 25 PADI certifications before you
will be able to apply for the Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating.
Entry Requirements:
- Candidates must be PADI assistant instructors, PADI instructors or
- Completed a PADI IDC/OWSI within the previous 12 months
- Candidates must be certified as PADI enriched air (Nitrox) divers or
hold a
qualifying certification from another training organization if
enriched specialty instructor rating
Completion Requirement:
Proof of 10 logged dives in each specialty rating applied for.
Increase your marketability as a PADI Professional. Become a PADI
Specialty Instructor – Master Scuba Diver Traoner with a Course Director SF Chong and teach courses that
interest you! Offer more, do more!
IDC Staff Instructor IDCS course
Contact Course Director SF Chong, let Chong knows if your have any
question about your instructor continuing education opportunities
and he will be happy to answer all your questions.